f Engr 235 - Statics

Engr 235 - Statics

Engineering Dept, Santa Ana College
Fall 2024


  • Course syllabus
  • Textbook (required): Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics;
    Beer, Johnson, Mazurek, McGraw Hill, 10th Edition (2012) (~$166)
    (ISBN13: 978-0077402280, ISBN10: 0077402286). (International edition is NOT acceptable!)


  • Exam 3 (wk 16)!

    Exam 1 in week 6! Thru section 3.9 of book (scalar products)
    Exam 2 in week 11! (Ch 3.10 (M about axis) thru Ch 4 (Equib of RBs))
    Exam 3 in week 16! (Ch 5 (centroids), 6 (structures), 7 (Fs in beams), and 8 (friction))
    (conditions: CLOSED book and notes, comprehensive but focused on topics indicated above, 8.5x11" "tip" sheet ok, 2-sided)

  • Proper hw format
  • Canvas upload rules

    Solved Problems
    (Ch 2) ...... (Ch 3) ....... (Ch 4) ....... (Ch 5)
    (Ch 6) ...... (Ch 7) ....... (Ch 8)


    ........... LEC ...... HW ..........
    Wk ........ VIDS ..... DUE ......... TOPICS

    Wk 1 ..... (todo)................ Intro, Ch 2- P Statics
    Wk 2 ..... (todo)................ Ch 2, FBDs, 3D Fs
    Wk 3 ..... (v 1:32) ..... 1,2 ...... Ch 3, RBs/ Equiv Sys Fs
    Wk 4 ..... (z 0:52) ..... 3 ........ Dot prod, mixed triple prod, M(axis)
    Wk 5 ..... (z 0:31) ..... 4 ........ M (axis not thru O)
    Wk 6 ........................... (Exam 1)
    Wk 7 ..... (z 1:27) ..... 5 ........ M (couple), couples
    Wk 8 ..... (z 0:49) ..... 6 ........ Equiv F/C sys, wrench(?)
    Wk 9 ..... (z 1:26) ..... 7 ........ Ch 4 - Equib RB, supports/connections
    Wk 10 .... (z 1:56) ..... 8 ........ Ch 5 - Distrib Fs, Centroids, dams
    Wk 11 .......................... (Exam 2)
    Wk 12 .... (z 1:43) ..... 9 ........ Ch 6 - Structures (trusses, joints, sections, frames, machines)
    Wk 13 .... (z 1:26) ..... 10 ....... Ch 7 - Beams (M & V diagrams)
    Wk 14 .... (z 1:45) ..... 11 ....... Ch 8 - Friction
    Wk 15 ................ 12....... (Review)
    Wk 16 .......................... (Exam 3)


  • Note - all problems are from 10th edition text
  • ( Required hw format )
  • hw 01 - (due wk 3) - Read syllabus & Qs on Canvas (quiz counts as hw)
  • hw 02 (also due wk 3)
    Chap 2 - P statics
    (Sections 2.1-2.6, Vector addn/resol) Probs: 2.8, 2.10
    (Sections 2.7 - 2.8, Rect Compon's) Probs: 2.21, 2.23, 2.36
    (Sections 2.9 - 2.11, Equib, Newtons Laws, FBDs) Probs: 2.46, 2.48
  • probs 2.21, 2.23 - ans in table form;
    prob 2.36 - ans in polar form (mag+angle)
  • hw 03 (due wk 4)
    (Sections 2.12-2.14, 3D F's) Probs: 2.71, 2.75, 2.79
    (Section 2.15, Equib in Space) Probs: 2.101, 2.103, 2.113
  • hw 04 (due wk 5)
    Ch 3 - RB's, Equiv Sys Fs
    (Sections 3.1 - 3.8, Moments) Probs: 3.1, 3.5, 3.9, 3.12, 3.25
    (Section 3.9, Scalar products) Probs: 3.35, 3.39
  • (wk 6 - no hw due, study for exam) -
  • hw 05 (due wk 7)
    (review Moments) Probs: 3.20, 3.23, 3.24
  • (Section 3.10, Mixed Triple Products) Probs: 3.45
    (Section 3.11, Moment about axis) Probs: 3.47, 3.53
  • hw 06 (due wk 8)
    (Section 3.12-3.15, Moment of Couple) Probs: 3.73, 3.76*, 3.85
    (Section 3.16, Reducing 1F to F-C Sys) Probs: 3.89, 3.93, 3.96
  • (*prob 3.76 - report total moment in xyz, don't get dir cosines)
  • hw 07 (due wk 9)
    (Section 3.17-3.19, Red Sys Fs to F-C Sys, Equiv Sys Fs, Equipoll) Probs: 3.105, 3.114, 3.119, 3.121, 3.126
  • hw 08 (due wk 10)
    Chap 4 - RB statics
    (Section 4.1-4.5, FBD's, Rxns @ Supports, 2D equib) Probs: 4.3, 4.7, 4.29 (Section 4.6-4.7, 2&3-Force Bodies) Probs: 4.75
    (Section 4.8-4.9, 3D- Equib) Probs: 4.105, 4.115


  • (wk 11 - no hw due, study for exam)
  • hw 09 (due wk 12)
    Chap 5 - Distrib Fs
    (Section 5.1-5.5, Centroids) Probs: 5.3, 5.5,
    (Section 5.6-5.7, Centroids by Integ) Probs: 5.31, 5.50
    (Section 5.8-5.9, Distributed loads, beams) Probs: 5.70, 5.71
    (Section 5.10-5.12, Centroids of volumes) Probs: 5.100*
    (*prob 5.100 - obtain (xyz) location of centroid for first shown part only)
  • hw 10 (due wk 13)
    Chap 6 - Structures
    (Section 6.1-6.6, Trusses) Probs: 6.6, 6.9
    (Section 6.7-6.8, Method of Sections) Probs: 6.49, 6.53
    (Section 6.9-6.11, Frames & Machines) Probs: 6.79, 6.101
  • hw 11 (due wk 14)
    Chap 7 - Beams & Cables
    (Section 7.1 - 7.2, Internal Fs) Probs: 7.9, 7.13
    (Section 7.3 - 7.5, Shear & Bending in Beams) Probs: 7.33, 7.39
    (Section 7.7 - 7.9, Cables) (skip)
  • hw 12 (due wk 15)
    Chap 8-Friction
    (Section 8.1 - 8.4, Dry Friction) Probs: 8.6, 8.13, 8.15, 8.25, 8.36

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