------ GENERAL ------------------------------------------------------- - uploads must conform to the rules indicated here or deductions apply (or no credit is given) - do not attach files or type work in comments unless i specifically give you permission to do so (otherwise NO credit will be given) - do not refer to links (actual file must be uploaded or no credit is given) - files must show work adequately (can't be blurry, lack contrast, obscured work, etc.) - do not upload more files than are necessary - you should submit work at least 24 hrs before the due date/time - any 'technical problems' that occur after will not be considered (e.g., "I had problems uploading my files...") - NO zip files - students are responsible for verifying proper readable uploads (suggest: get out of canvas, close browser, re-open, then check that files are there) - if students have multiple uploads, I only grade the latest one (you don't get any credit for the prior ones) ------ WRITTEN WORK ------------------------------------------------- - eg, written exams, hw for classes like 235, 240, 250 Digitize as MULTI-PAGE PDF. Requirements: - pages in order - pages oriented upright - high contrast (black writing on white background) - use WHITE COPY paper (no lines) - NO: graph paper, heavy lined paper (too hard to read) - all in ONE file (not multiple ones) ------ IMAGES ---------------------------------------------------------- (for classes like 250L, 132, 133, 134) - filetypes: jpg, png, - must be able to see the image properly (can't be blurry, etc.) ------ ARDUINO CODE ---------------------------------------------------------- (for classes like 132, 133, 134, 250L) - filetypes: txt (NOT ino please!) - do not just take a pic or vid of the code ------ VIDEOS ---------------------------------------------------------- (for classes like 250L, 132, 133, 134) - filetypes: mp4 (mov has problems... convert file type using software like "Any Video Converter Free") - keep the video as short as possible - do not exceed 50 MB file size - eg of a free video converter: Any Video Converter Free -----------------------------------------------------------------