- suggested problems are NOT turned in
- do "computer" or "Matlab" problems by hand (not computer or matlab)
hw 1 - (due wk 3) - Read syllabus & Qs on Canvas) (nothing submitted)
hw 2 (ALSO due wk 3):
(Section 1.3 Charge & Current) 1.2 (c,d only)
(Section 1.4, 1.5 Voltage, Power, E) 1.10
(Section 1.6 Circuit Elements) 1.16, 1.20
hw 3 (due wk 4):
(Section 2.3 Nodes, Branches, Loops) 2.5, ("loops" means indep loops)
(Section 2.4 Kirchhoff's Laws) 2.11, 2.15
(Section 2.5, 2.6 Series & Parallel Rs) 2.29, 2.45b
hw 4 (due wk 5) (make a copy before turning in so you can study w/ it):
(Section 3.2, 3.3 Nodal Analysis) 3.6, 3.11, 3.23
(Section 3.4, 3.5 Mesh Analysis) 3.36, 3.41, 3.61
(suggested but don't submit: noda/mesh by insp: 3.69*, 3.73*, in vector-[ ] form)
(no hw due wk 6, study for exam)
hw 5 (due wk 7):
(Section 4.2 Linearity) 4.7
(Section 4.3 Superposition) 4.12
(Section 4.4 Source Transformation) 4.30
(Section 4.5, 4.6 Thev/Norton) 4.41
(Section 4.7 Max Power) 4.66
(suggested but don't submit: 4.3, 4.16, 4.20, 4.47, 4.70)
hw 6 (due wk 8)
(Section 5.2 Op Amps) 5.5
(Section 5.3 Ideal Op Amp) 5.9
(Section 5.4 Inverting Amp) 5.20
(Section 5.6 Summing Amp) 5.37
(Section 5.8 Cascaded Op Amp) 5.73
(suggested but don't submit: 5.23, 5.57)
(Spring Break betw wk 8 & 9)
hw 7 (due wk 9 after Sp break):
(Section 6.2 Capacitors) 6.5
(Section 6.3 Series/Parallel Cs) 6.18
(Section 6.4 Inductors) 6.48
(Section 6.5 Series/Parallel Ls) 6.55a
(Section 6.6 Applications) 6.73
(suggested but don't submit: 6.13, 40)
hw 8 (due wk 10)
(Section 7.2 Source-Free RC) 7.9
(Section 7.3 Source-Free RL) 7.23
(Section 7.5 Step-Response RC) 7.39, 7.43
(Section 7.6 Step-Response RL) 7.53, 7.59
(suggested but don't turn in: 7.3, 7.15)
(no hw due wk 11 - study for exam 2)
hw 9 (due wk 12):
(Section 8.2 Initial-final value) 8.3, 8.5
(Section 8.3 Source-Free Series RLC) 8.15, 8.17
hw 10 (due wk 13):
(Section 8.4 Source-free Parallel RLC) 8.23, 8.24
(Section 8.5 Step-Response Series RLC) 8.27, 8.31
(Section 8.6 Step-Response Parallel RLC) 8.45
Acos(ω *t + φ) (if in time domain), in polar form (r ∠ φ) (if a phasor)
hw 11 (due wk 14):
(Section 9.3 Phasors) 9.11
(Section 9.4 Phasor relationships) 9.29, 9.31
(Section 9.5 Impedance/admittance) 9.43
(Section 9.7 Impedance combos) 9.57, 9.59
(suggested but don't submit: 9.2, 3, 13, 35)
hw 12 (due wk 15):
(Section 10.2 Nodal Analysis) 10.7
(Section 10.3 Mesh Analysis) 10.25
(suggested: do some superposition, source transformation, & Thev/Norton probs)
- AC power (also part of hw 12, due wk 15)
(Section 11.3 Max Avg Power Transfr) 11.13
(Section 11.4 RMS Power) 11.27
(Section 11.5 Apparent Power & pf) 11.41
(Section 11.6 Complex Power) 11.47
(suggested but don't submit: 11.3, 5, 22, 45, 69)
hw 13 - (due wk 15), complete survey, on my homepage
(not Canvas, but upload screen cap of last page onto Canvas)