Students may be dropped for EXCESSIVE ABSENCE or LACK OF PARTICIPATION. Excessive absence is 2 or more absences in the semester. Lack of participation is missing 10% of graded work (exams, homework, etc). I define missed assignments as any assignment scoring < 50%. Typically I will drop students from 100A for any of the following combinations of missing things: 1. 1 project + any thing else 2. 5 hw's 3. 2 exams + any thing else 4. 3 exams 5. 1 exam + 2 hw's (remember i can drop you for less than this though! it's my discretion) Regarding excessive absence, I'll typically drop at 3 or more absences. Check Canvas and see if you are close to being dropped. If you are dropped, don't think of it as punishment. Instead think of it as me saving you from get a D or F on your transcript. If you can't fully participate, it's best to drop the class and take it again when you can. CT